A semisimple commutative Banach algebra with A semisimple commutative Banach algebra with a closed two-sided ideal I such that [A/I] isn't semisimple.


Suppose that A is the algebra Cm([0,1]) of all m times continously differentiable complex-valued functions on [0,1] with the norm ||f || = åk = 0m[1/k!] supx Î [0,1] |f(k)(x)|. Let I = {f Î A ; f(0) = f¢(0) = 0}. Then [A/I] is not semisimple, since assuming f° to be f°(x) = x, then f°2 Î I and so (f° + I)2 = f°2 + I = 0, hence r(x) = limn ||(f° + I)n||[1/n] = 0. Therefore f° + I Î Rad([A/I]). But f° + I ¹ 0. So that [A/I] is not semisimple.

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