A non-maximal primary ideal in a A non-maximal primary ideal in a unital commutative Banach algebra A.


Suppose that A is the algebra Cm([0,1]) of the complex valued m times continously differentiable functions on [0,1] with the norm ||f || = åk = 0m[1/k!] supx Î [0,1] |f(k)(x)|. Let x0 Î [0,1] and I = {f Î A ; f(x0) = f¢(x0) = 0}. Then I is a closed two-sided ideal contained in only one maximal ideal; i.e. {f Î A : f(x0) = 0 }. Note that the maximal ideals of A are of the form Ix = {f Î A ; f(x) = 0}, x Î [0,1].
A conclusion is that Cm([0,1]) is not spectral synthesis, i.e. it has a closed two-sided ideal which is not the intersection of maximal ideals containing this ideal.

Comment. The disk algebra contains a nonmaximal prime ideal, namely {0}.

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