Suppose that {ei ; i Î I} is a Hamel basis for X and I is countable. For each i Î I, let Xi denote the linear span of {e1, e2, ¼, en}, then X = Èi = 1nXi. But the Xi are proper closed subspaces of X and
so are nowhere dense, that is impossible by the Baire category theorem. Thus I is uncountable.
Let a Î X, a = åi Î I li ei where all l except finitely many are zero. Set ||a ||¢ = åi Î I |li|. Then ||. ||¢ is obviously a norm on X. For i ¹ j , ||ei - ej ||¢ = 2 and I is uncountable, hence (X,||. ||¢) has no dense countable subset.