Two non-isometrically isomorphic spaces with the Two non-isometrically isomorphic spaces with the same duals. So that a such dual space could not be a W*-algebra under any multiplication and involution.


c0 and c are both closed subspaces of l¥. In addition for each x = (xn) Î l1, rx: c0 ® C given by (yn) ® ån = 1¥ xnyn is a bounded linear functional on c0 with the norm ||rx || = ||x ||. Clearly c0# is isometrically isomorphic to l1. Also for each x = (xn) Î l1, hx: c ® C given by (yn) ® x1 limn xn + ån = 1¥xnyn is a bounded linear functional on c with the norm ||hx || = ||x ||. Obviously c# is isometrically isomorphic to l1. But by BA25.DVI the closed unit ball of c0 has no extreme point while the closed unit ball c contains at least (1,1,1,¼) as an extreme point (since if 1 = txn + (1-t)yn with |xn| £ 1 and |yn| £ 1, then 1 = t Rexn + (1-t)Reyn for all n, so that Rexn = Reyn = 1 and hence xn = yn = 1 for each n). Thus c0 and c1 are not isometrically isomorphic.

Now by [Sak1, Corollary 1.13.3], l1 can not be a W*-algebra.

[Sak1] S. Sakai, C*-algebras and W*-algebras, Springer-Verlag, 1971.

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