Two closed densely defined operators Two closed densely defined operators T and S on a Hilbert space such that T + S isn't closable.


Consider a separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space H with an orthonormal basis (xn). Let D = {h Î H ;ån = 1¥ n4| < h,xn > |2 < ¥} , z = ån = 2¥ n-1xn, and define the operators S and T with the domain D, which is dense in H, by

Sh = ¥
n = 2 
n2 < h,xn > xn    ,    Th = Sh+ < Sh,z > x1      (h Î D).
Then -S and T are closed densely defined and T + (-S) isn't closable. (cf. Problem 2.8.43 of [K&R1])
[K&R1] R.V. Kadilon and J.R. Ringrase, Fundamentals of the theory of operator algebras (I), Acad. Press, 1983.

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