A non-separable von Neumann algebra with A non-separable von Neumann algebra with a (unique) separable closed *-bi-ideal.


Let H be a separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space and (xn) be a dense sequence in H. Then K(H) which is the closed linear span of rank-one projections, is the closure of the linear span of xn[`(Ä)] xn with rational coefficients,hence it is separable. If (en) is an orthonormal basis for H and for each subset S of the natural numbers N,
PS(en) = ì
n Î S
then ||PS-PS¢|| = 1, for S ¹ S¢. Thus {PS}S Î 2N cannot be in the closure of any countable sequence of B(H). Thus B(H) isn't separable.
Note that for x and y in H the rank one operator x[`(Ä)] y is defined by
y)(z) = < z,y > x.

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