An operator An operator T on a Hilbert space such that the set eig(T) of all eigenvalues of T is empty but sp(T) ¹ Æ.


The unilateral shift operator on the Hilbert space l2 ( with its standard orthonormal basis (en)) given by Ten = en+1, n Î N, has no eigenvalue; since obviously 0 Ï eig(T) and if 0 ¹ l Î eig(T) and Tx = lx for some x = ån = 1¥an en ¹ 0, then ån = 1¥an en+1 = ån = 1¥lan en and hence an = 0 for all n, i.e. x = 0, a contradiction.
Next observe that 0 Î sp(T); otherwise T would be invertible so T(T-1(e1)) = e1 , but < T(T-1e1) , e1 > = 0 by the definition of T, that is impossible.

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