An operator An operator U on a Hilbert space, other than I, such that sp(U) = {1} and ||U || = 1.


Suppose that H = L2(0,1) with respect to the Lebesgue measure and (Tf)(x) = ò0x f(t)dt. It follows from BA15.DVI, sp(T) = 0, so that sp(I+T) = {1}. Hence U = (I + T)-1 ¹ I is well-defined, moreover sp(U) = {l-1 ; l Î sp(I + T)} = {1}. Therefore
1 = r(U) £ ||U||.
But ||U|| £ 1, since
||U-1x||2 = ||(I + T)x||2 = ||f||2 + < (T+T*)x, x > + ||T x||2 ³ ||f ||2.
(Note that T+T* is a projection onto the space of constant functions, since (T*f)(t) = òt1 f(t)dt.)
Thus ||U|| = 1.

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On 22 Feb 2001, 00:22.