Knowledge is the Right Path to Wisdom

Rahmatollah Fattahi

Ph.D., Professor, Department of Library and Information Studies, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran  









BA in English Language and Literature from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, 1974; MS in Library and Information Science, University of Tehran, Iran, 1979. PhD from the School of Information, Library and Archive Studies, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 1997.   









 Ph D Thesis (full text online): Relevance of Cataloguing Principles to the Online Environment: An Historical and Analytical Study. (1997). University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

 A Prototype Catalogue of Super Records is an experiment based on my PhD thesis. It is a new approach to the description and representation of works that appear in different editions and manifestations.

 I also presented a paper on AACR2 and Catalogue Production Technology (based on the above experiment) at the International Conference on the principles and Future Development of AACR held in Toronto, 23-25 October 1997.

At the 7th ISKO International Conference held in Granada, Spain (10-13 July 2002) on Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Organization for the 21th Century: Integration of Knowledge across Boundaries, I followed the concept of Super Records and presented a joint paper with Mehri Parirokh: "Restructuring the Bibliographic Record for Better Management, Organization and Representation of Knowledge in the Global Online Environment: A New Approach.

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انتشارات انگلیسی کتابداران ایرانی

A Study of educational program at Masters level in Iranian universities and designing a new curriculum (pd.f file).

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(Last modified November, 2009)