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Research & Publications
Braunmiller, J., Graybeal,
D. and Hosseini, S. K., Patterns of
Seismic Moment Release from Moment Tensor Inversion of M6+ Mainshock-Aftershock
Sequences in Iran 2010-2019, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
9-13 Dec., 2019.
Kouhbanani, H.,
Hosseini, S. K., Seismic Ground
Deformation Mapping For The 2017 MW6.1 Mainshock of Sefidsang-NE Iran
Earthquake Using Sentinel-1A Interfrometry, 8th International Conference
on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE8), Tehran - Iran, 11-13
Nov., 2019.
Sedaghati, E., Khajavi, R.
and Hosseini, S. K., Reliability of
Seismic Data Recorded by Smartphone Accelerometers for Earthquake
Engineering Applications, Iranian J. of Geophysics, No. 4, 140-156,
2019. Kouhbanani, H., Yazdani,
M., Hosseini, S. K., Mapping Land
Subsidence Hazard through InSAR (Case study: Kashmar and Khalil Abad plain)
, Desert Management, No. 13, Spring & Summer, 65-76, 2019.
Jaghouri, J., Sadeghi,
H.,. Hosseini, S. K., Estimation of
shear wave quality factor in the region of the 2012 Ahar-Varzaghan twin
earthquakes using aftershock data, Earth Science, Accepted - Feb.
Pour-Moghaddam, P.,
Hosseini, S. K., Khorakian, A., A brief
review on NIOC exploration directorate geophysical mega-project: Research
and Development on Subsurface Imaging Improvement, 18th Iranian
Geophysical Conference, Tehran - Iran, 235-236, 8 - 10 May, 2018.
Sabet-e-birjandi, E.,
Hosseini, S. K., Sadeghi, H.,
Investigation on Seismicity and Earthquakes Recurrence time of NE-Iran, 18th Iranian
Geophysical Conference, Tehran - Iran, 284-287, 8 - 10 May, 2018.
Jamshidi, A.,
Hosseini, S. K., Sadeghi, H., Khajavi,
R., Ground roll noise attenuation in Time-Frequency domain, 18th Iranian
Geophysical Conference, Tehran - Iran, 320-323, 8 - 10 May, 2018.
Jaffari, S. M. S., Sadeghi,
H., Hosseini, S. K., Rapid Determination
of Earthquake Magnitude in FUM Seismic Network, 18th Iranian
Geophysical Conference, Tehran - Iran, 309-312, 8 - 10 May, 2018.
Hosseini, S. K., Ahmadi, T., Sadeghi, H., Evaluating of
earthquakes mechanisms in Iran based on waveform modeling, 17th Iranian
Geophysical Conference, Tehran - Iran, 1026-1029, 10 - 12 May, 2016.
Sadeghi, H., Dorbeigi
Nameghi, S., Hosseini, S. K., A study of
Poisson's ratio in the 2012 Ahar-Varzaqan earthquakes region, 17th
Iranian Geophysical Conference, Tehran - Iran, 1481-1484, 10 - 12 May,
Khademi, M., Ghaemi, Farz.,
Hosseini, S. K., Ghaemi, Farr.,
Tectonic-sedimentary processes at the eastern Alborz-Binaloud mountains,
J. Earth Sciences, 25, No.99, 11-20, 2016.
Vakili, A., Khalili, S.
T., Hosseini, S. K., Mousavi
Harami, R., Chehrazi, A., Comparison of 2D seismic data inversion results
inferred from Hendijan and Behregansar oil fields using different methods,
Petroleum Research, 82, 32-44, 2015.
Khademi, M., Ghaemi, Farz.,
Hosseini, S. K., Ghaemi, Farr.,
Difference between GPS velocity vector and the rate of shortening toward
east in the NE Iran - Binaloud mountains, J. Earth Sciences, 24,
No. 94, 99-106, 2015.
Riahi, A., Sadeghi, H.,
Hosseini, S. K., Simulation of 2003 Bam
(Iran) earthquake using empirical Greenfs function method via very small and
near-fault events, Geophysical Journal International, 201,
1264-1286, 2015.
Sadeghi, H., Manoochehri,
M. F., Hosseini, S. K., Nakamura, T.,
Suzuki, S., S-wave anisotropy in the aftershock region of the 2003 Bam,
Iran, earthquake (Mw 6.5), Tectonophysics, 594, 128-136,
Mohammadzaheri, A.,
Sadeghi, H., Hosseini, S.K., Navazandeh,
M., DISRAY: A distributed ray tracing by map-reduce, Computers &
Geosciences, 52, 435-458, 2013.
Khalili, S. T.,
Hossseini, S. K., Vakili, A., Mousavi
Harami, R., Investigation on acoustic impedance fluctuations of one of the
oil fields in Persian Gulf using petrophysical characterizations and seismic
data inversion, The second national conference on Oil, Gas and
Petrochemicals, Gachsaran - Iran, 2013.
Vakili, A.,
Hosseini, S. K., Khalili, S. T., Mousavi
Harami, R., Reservoir quality investigations in one of the oil fields of
Persian Gulf using Sparse Spike method, The second national conference on
Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals, Gachsaran - Iran, 2013.
Hamidi, M.,
Hosseini, S.K. and Sadeghi, H., Successful application
S-transform time-frequency method in hydrocarbon reservoirs and low
frequency shadows detection, The 10th SEGJ International
Symposium-Imaging and Interpretation, Kyoto- Japan, 505-508, 2011.
Katebi, H.,
Hosseini, S.K., Sadeghi, H. and Seyyedin, S. H., An investigation
on low-frequency passive seismic waves as a hydrocarbon indicator in
SW-Iran, The 10th SEGJ International Symposium-Imaging and Interpretation,
Kyoto- Japan, 155-158, 2011.
S. K., Rahimi B., Shokraei S. F., Lithospheric Deformation of NE
Iran Infered from Shear Wave Splitting, Tectonic Crossroads: Evolving
Orogens of Eurasia-Africa-Arabia, Ankara- Turkey, 2010.
Hosseini, S. K., Sadeghi H., Nasrollah-nejad A., Prediction of
large peak ground acceleration with artificial neural network and support
vector machine, American Geophysical Meeting, San Francisco- USA,
Hosseini, S.K., A. Kaviani, B. Rahimi and S.F. Shokraei,
Seismic anisotropy of East and Northeast of Iran using shear wave
splitting, 12th symposium of the geological society of Iran, Ahvaz-Iran,
Hosseini, S.K.,
Estimation of locking rate along active faults using GPS observation data,
The first meeting on Earthquake prediction, National center of
earthquake prediction research, Tehran-Iran, 2008.
Hosseini, S.K.,
N. Eyvazeh, Possibility of
crustal deformation research using permanent GPS data of IPGN – NE Iran,
Crustal reology conference, Mashhad - Iran, 2008.
Hosseini, S.K., S. Yoshioka, T. Matsushima, and S.
Suzuki, An extension of lower crust in central Kyushu, Japan, inferred from
GPS derived velocity field gAn Implication of Beppu-Shimabara graben
structureh, International Union of Geophysics and Geodesy (IUGG)
conference, Perugia- Italy, 2007.
Sadeghi, H., S. Suzuki,
S.K. Hosseini, and et.al, Extensional
branching of the Arg-e-Bam fault generated by the 2003 Bam, Iran,
Earthquake: Adapting theory of fault branching, International Union of
Geophysics and Geodesy (IUGG)
conference, Perugia- Italy, 2007.
Hosseini, S.K., and G.S. El-Fiky, An investigation on horizontal
crustal deformation by applying least-square prediction method on GPS
derived velocity, 5th international conference on seismology and earthquake engineering (SEE5),
paper No. ST37, Tehran- Iran, 2007.
Saffarzadeh, A.H.,
S.K. Hosseini, S.M. Fatemi
Aghda, Disaster Waste Management: Lessons Learnt from Borujerd Earthquake-
Lorestan Province, 2nd International Conference on Integrated Natural
Disaster Management (INDM), Tehran- Iran, 2007.
Eskandarpour, M.,
S.K. Hosseini, S.M. Fatemi
Aghda, Priliminary investigation on 31 March 2006, Silakhour Earthquake (Mw
6.1)- Lorestan Province, The First Disaster Management Conference,
Tehran- Iran, 2007.
S.K.,T. Matsushima, S. Suzuki and G.S.El-Fiky,
Horizontal Strain Changes in Southwest Japan Using Partitioning Model
and GPS Data (1997-2000),
Memories of the faculty of
Sciences, Kyushu University, Series D, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Vol. XXXI, No.3, 93-104, 2005.
Nakamura,T., S. Suzuki, H. Sadeghi, S.M. Fatemi
Aghda, T. Matsushima, Y. Ito,
S.K. Hosseini, A.J. Gandomi, and M. Maleki, Source
fault structure of the 2003 Bam earthquake, southeastern Iran, inferred from
the aftershock distribution and its relation to the heavily damaged area:
Existence of the Arg-e-Bam fault proposed,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L09308, doi:10.1029/2005GL022631,
S. Suzuki, S.M. Fatemi
Aghda, T. Matsushima, Y. Ito,
S.K. Hosseini, T. Nakamura, J. Gandomi, and M. Maleki,
Source faults and source parameters of the 2003 Bam, Iran earthquake, 5th
ASC General Assem., Asian seismol. Comm., Yerevan, Armenia, 2004.
Hosseini,S.K., T. Matsushima and S. Suzuki, Vertical
Velocities of Kyushu Island Using Continuous GPS Observation Data,
1997-2001, International Joint Assembly of CGU and AGU, Montreal- Canada, 2004.
Sadaomi S., S.
M.Fatemi Aghda, T. Nakamura, T. Matsushima, Y. Ito, H. Sadeghi, M. Maleki,
A.J. Gandomi and S.K. Hosseini, Temporal
Seismic Observation and Preliminary Hypocenter Determination of Aftershocks
of the 2003 Bam Earthquake, Southeastern Iran, Bulletin of the Earthquake
Research Institute Contents, Vol. 79, No.3/4, 2004.
Suzuki, S., T. Matsushima, Y.
Ito, T. Nakamura, S.K.Hosseini and
N.Hirata, Preliminary
Report of Strong Motion and Aftershock Observation of 2003/12/26 Bam
Earthquake (Mw6.5) in Southeastern Iran, Japan Earth and Planetary
Science Joint Meeting, Tokyo-Japan, 2004.
Hosseini,S.K., T. Matsushima, S. Suzuki, Horizontal
strain Changes in southwest Japan Using Partitioning Model and GPS Data
(1997-2000), International Union of Geophysics and Geodesy (IUGG)
conference, Sapporo-Japan, Paper No.JSG01-08P-D-020, 2003.
H.Sadeghi, S.K.Hosseini, Y.Fujii and
S.M.Fatemi Aghda,
Aftershock Distribution and Source Parameters of the 22 June 2002,
Changoureh Earthquake (Mw6.5), Northwest Iran,
Intenational Union of Geophyiscs
and Geodesy (IUGG) conference, Sapporo-Japan, Paper No.JSS02-02A-D-002,
Hosseini,S.K., S. Suzuki, Y. Fujii, H. Sadeghi and S.M.
Fatemi Aghda, Aftershock Observation of the 22 June 2002 Changoureh-Avaj
Earthquake (Mw6.5), NW Iran,
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Fall Meeting, San
Fransisco-USA, Paper No.S71B-1091, 2002.
Hosseini,S.K., T. Matsushima, G. El-fiky and S.
Suzuki,A Partitioning Model for Estimating The Horizontal Strain of Japanese
Islands by using GPS Data, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical
Union, Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Wellington-New Zealand, Vol. 83,
No.22, Paper No. SE22A-02, May 28, 2002.
Hosseini,S.K., A Partitioning Model for Estimating The
Horizontal Strain of Japanese Islands by using GPS Data, Master thesis,
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science,
Kyushu University, Fukuoka- Japan, 2002.
Hosseini,S.K., S. Shahriari, M. Ghoraishi and S. Suzuki,
Directions of Principal Stress Vectors in the Northern Part of 1997 May 10
Zirkuh-e-Qaen Earthquake Fault in Iran,
The Third Asian Seismological
Commission Symposium,
Tehran-Iran, Paper no. S304, 2000.
Hosseini,S.K.,M. Ghoraishi, S. Shahriari and S. Suzuki,
Segmental Ruptures of the 1997 May 10 Zirkuh-e-Qaen Earthquake (Mw7.2) in
Iran, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical
Union, Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Tokyo-Japan, Vol. 81, No.22,
Paper no. S41C-08, May 30, 2000.
Hosseini,S.K., Structural Analysis of 1997 May 10, Qaen
Earthquake (Mw=7.2),Iran, Master thesis, Department of Earth
Sciences, Graduate School of Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University,
Tehran-Iran, 1999.
Hosseini.S.K., F.Ghaemi, N.Naderi, M.Nabavieh,
Preliminary report of 1997 May 10, Qaen Earthquake (Mw=7.2),Iran,
Geological Survey of Iran, 1997.
Hosseini.S.K., A.Asgari, Preliminary report of 1997
Feb. 20, Bojnourd Earthquake (Mw=4.5),Iran,
Geological Survey of Iran, 1997.
Hosseini,S.K., Structural Geology and Joint Study of
Bidvaz Dam area, Esfarayen-Iran,
B.Sc. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of
sciences, Ferdowsi University, Mashad-Iran, 1992.
Ghaemi, F.,
S.K.Hosseini, Geological map of Sefid-Sang- Iran, scale
1:100000, Geological Survey of Iran-NE center.
Ghaemi Farrokh,
Farzin Ghaemi,
Geological map of Neyshabour-
Iran, scale 1:100000, Geological Survey of Iran-NE center.