Photo Gallery
Iran Earthquakes
World Earthquaks



           Installing temporary seismic station











_ Causative fault of Bojnourd Earthquake(MN 4.9), May 24th, 2016

_Two source faults of Ahar - Varzaghan Earthquakes, August 11, 2012, NW- Iran

_ Preliminary report of Ahar-Varzaghan Earthquake (Mw 6.4), August 11, 2012

_ Causative fault of Neyshabur Earthquake (ML 5.2), January 19th, 2012

_ Short report on Mohammadabad-e-Rigan, Dec. 20, 2010 Earthquake (Mw 6.3), SE Iran








Research interests :

The areas of my interests include:

Dr. Sayyed Keivan Hosseini


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Mashhad - Iran


 E-mail:    k-hosseini  at  um.ac.ir

              skeivanh  at  yahoo.com



- Measuring of inter-seismic, co-seismic and post-seismic deformation to determine characteristics of the fault and estimating the rate of elastic strain accumulation in the crust.  Investigating the locked zones along the active faults is my primary research interest.

Inter-seismic coupling along Nankaei trough (SW Japan)

- Physical and numerical simulation of active faults, During inter-seismic, co-seismic and post-seismic periods.


Stick - slip model









Co-seismic slip simulation in an elastic medium using Slip-weakening modeling.


- Numerical simulation of tectonic plate motions.




- Detecting hydrocarbons using Seismic attributes.

Using Spectrum Amplitude Integration of Z component as a hydrocarbon indicator

Using Local Time-Frequency Transform as hydrocarbon attributes

Using S-Transform as hydrocarbon attributes

Using Continuous Wavelet Transform as  hydrocarbon attributes