Teaching Responsibility


BSc degree:

1. Principle of food process engineering (I) (B.Sc. degree)

2. Principle of food process engineering (II) (B.Sc. degree)


MSc degree:

3. Biophysical properties of foods (M.Sc. degree)

4. Principle of food process engineering (III) (M.Sc. degree)

5. Food rheology I: Solid and semi-solid foods (M.Sc. degree)

6. Special Topics in Food Engineering (M.Sc. degree)

7. Food Nanotechnology (M.Sc. degree)

8. Unit Operations of Food Process Engineering (M.Sc. degree)


PhD degree:

9. Food rheology II: Fluid foods (Ph.D. degree)

10. Principle of food process engineering (IV) (Ph.D. degree)

11. Food viscoelasticity (Ph.D. degree)


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